Hops Management | SERVICES
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We recommend a both systematic and thorough analysis of the future potential of a project, from several points of view. Using our evaluation model and comprehensive database, we can answer a number of questions, including:

  • What are the market conditions like for the project?
  • How attractive is the destination and how good is its infrastructure?
  • What market segment should the project target?
  • Have existing players within the segment succeeded historically?
  • Which are the threats & opportunities?
  • What does the cost and revenue analysis of a future operator/tenant look like?
  • Can an operator generate enough rental income for the asset owner to feel safe?
  • Which are the most eligible future tenants/operators?

The method is the same for new establishments, reinvestments and restructuring projects.

In many cases, after analysing a project, Hops Management AB has come to the conclusion that it should not be carried out.

In the cases where we, after having made our analysis, have recommended that the project should be pursued, we have always contributed to making it safer, generating higher rental income, better evaluation of the property and a clearer distribution of responsibility.


Owning a hotel property provides the opportunity to create value if you can tap on thorough knowledge and use effective measures – but it can also lead to risk if you lack business insight and the right tools to optimize the cash flow of the property. Our experience and industry knowledge mean that we can offer commercial management of hotel properties yielding long-term increase in value. We assist in evaluating, analysing and providing detailed recommendations for how your business can be developed to reach its full potential – i.e. renegotiating rental agreements or extending properties.


We contribute with knowledge, network, advice and support in the development and realisation of projects such as hotels, conference centres, restaurants and arenas. We assume responsibility throughout the deal and master the entire process – from initial idea to the management of the finalised establishment. Our services include project management throughout the development phase, e.g. macro analysis, market studies, drawing up business plans, rental strategy and planning the premises.


When a project is about to be realised, the process to identify the right tenant/operator of the establishment is initiated. HOPS has developed a system for this, which includes:

  • Initial selection of 5-10 suitable prospects, depending on the market position of each brand.
  • Packaging all pre-requisites of the project, including distribution of responsibility between investors and operator.
  • Information meetings and discussions with potential candidates.
  • Final recommendation to the client with a list of the strongest candidates.
  • This is followed by HOPS taking part in the negotiations, together with the investor, to ensure that no industry linked questions are left unanswered or in any other way not addressed.

We help our clients to fill temporary vacancies in key management positions. The interim manager replaces critical business functions for a limited period of time, e.g. leading individual projects or implementing major changes – as a mix between a manager, consultant and project leader – but always with a hands-on approach. The interim manager is supported by a “steering group”, in which our partners contribute with competencies and experience to the assignment. Based on our experience and extensive business network, we are well equipped to find the right manager for your assignment.


If you wish to insure a restaurant or a hotel, there are often high security demands that must be met in order to gain compensation if something should happen. We help you tailor-make and find the best insurance that will also give you most value for money. We also assist our clients in case of accident to get the compensation they are entitled to.


Every hotel property, hotel property owner and operator has its own prerequisites, strategies and wishes, something that must be taken into consideration when choosing a template for the contract. I certain cases, a so-called management contract is most suitable, in other cases a rental agreement with a rent based on turnover is most relevant and sometimes it is best with a set rent agreement. Everything depends on the parameters that define each specific situation. Elements that we take into consideration include the location of the hotel, the potential of the local market, as well as the operator’s financial muscle and ability to generate good growth during the rental period.

After selecting an agreement model, we assist our clients with advice and evaluation of the parameters of the agreement, including rental levels, calculation models for turnover based rent, distribution of management and maintenance responsibility and guarantee models. In order to obtain a clear distribution of responsibility, we assist our clients with fixing a detailed and well worked-out list of boundaries.

We have long experience of evaluating each specific case and offer relevant advice to achieve the best results.


HOPS offers advice and support to both buyers and sellers of hotel properties and hotel establishments. In sales situations, we work together with brokers of commercial properties in our network to achieve the best possible results. Based on HOPS’ knowledge of players acting on the hotel property market, we have the ability to ensure that the right parties are cultivated and that all the relevant arguments and estimates of future potential are taken into consideration in the sales process.

HOPS’ partners have in several cases assisted hotel buyers with analyses of the hotel’s potential, regarding location, condition, market position and market development, among other things. We also analyse the rental agreement, the operator’s capacity to pay rent and make an estimation of the future rent.